Monday, 3 August 2009

From Rio Doce (Sinaloa, Mexico): El Ñacas y el tacuachi (Sicarios del orden)

nacas340.jpg is this week's editorial cartoon about "Hitmen at your Service" in Rio Doce. The creator is "Bobadilla". This week's title is "The Hanging Bodies"
A translation of panel dialogue:
  1. So this is who we're hanging on the bridge. Yeah —and with a narcomessage.
  2. Hi neighbours, can I help you with that load?
  3. silencio
  4. No, up your trunk. I'm telling you copper — take the bribe.
  5. Hey listen up guys, why are you polluting the river?
  6. There's no hope for some people!!! — the narcomatels read from left to right: for messing with the jefe's daughter - for being too accommodating- for being too honest - for being an environmentalist.

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